This area of our website will grow.
It will likely be a separate section with other spells and rituals to share.
This is an spell a student made that was well received.
It is shared here in hopes others may find it useful.
A Spell for a Orderly Home.
Goal: A Ritual that allows the blessings of an orderly and tidy home.
Guiding Principle: A repeated process becomes a habit. Repeating a small process can remind us to engage in a larger goal.
Five minutes everyday is something good. Build the ritual into a habit you internalize. That is magic. 🙂
Here are some things to print in Adober Reader format. (You probably already have it – if not you can get Adober Reader here for free. [opens in a new tab])
Spell Directions [opens in a new tab]
Spell Print Outs [opens in a new tab]